Friday, 20 November 2009

Character Design pt.4.5

Here you go! Some more (Felix, Prof T, and Reverend). Get practising, you'll be animating them on Monday! Any problems you run into, let Gemma and I know on Monday. I will upload a line up shortly, so you can see their heights relative to each other, and there will be a sheet on hands, with their general rules, and for the heads too.

A note about Reverend's costume: Gemma and I did like the Confederate shirt that Aaron drew, but decided it would become very tricky to get it drawn right in perspective, and get all the little stars on it, so thought dungarees would be easier to draw.

General notes on drawing the bodies:
- Feet are always the same length as the forearm (or close enough)
- Legs are about a third of the width of the torso
- Bottom of wrists come in line with crotch (except Razor, where the TOP of the wrists come in line with the crotch)
- Torso approximately 4-5 shoulder circles wide
- Elbows always come at halfway point of torso box (this is also where the waist is)
- Fingers always reach halfway between hip (bottom of torso box) and knee joint
- Middle finger is same length as the palm

Check each sheet for other details. This is an overview of general rules.


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