ive encountered a problem with maxandcolouring. Basicaly filling the colour on the cars in photoshop is a massive pain. The line work after doing smoothing groups always seems to have problems filling in that thre are always some gaps. The time taken to clean these gaps up in photoshop is ridiculous so i suggest that we do the colouring directly in max by selecting different faces. the colours are obviously exactly the same as that would be done in photoshop and we dont have to spend time colouring frame by frame. im working on some colour test for the vehcles now. will post these on the blog when im done.
this is a quick colour test by selecting faces in max. this is in no way perfect but i just wanted to prove that we can make maxcolouring look the same as if we coloured in photoshop. the advantage is that when weve done it once in the scene it is done! lewis
yeah looks fine to me, and makes more sense :)